Connecting to DatabaseΒΆ
We will be using JupyterHub based environment to master Postgresql. Let us go through the steps involved to get started using JupyterHub environment.
We will use Python Kernel with sql magic command and for that we need to first load the sql extension.
Create environment variable
using SQL Alchemy format.Write a simple query to get data from information schema table to validate database connectivity.
Here is the information you can leverage to connect to the database.
User Name: YOUR_OS_USER_sms_user
Database Name: YOUR_OS_USER_sms_db
Password: Your lab password provided by us
%load_ext sql
%env DATABASE_URL=postgresql://itversity_sms_user:sms_password@localhost:5432/itversity_sms_db
%sql SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables LIMIT 10